I am writing a large email script in node.js that uses Amazon ASES.

The scripts divide a large list into queues, and each queue is executed separately. For each queue, I am using a different connection (even if it is not blocking) as I am waiting for a response before moving on to the next email in the queue.

I can connect and send via Amazon SES using their API or using SMTP. I would guess that both methods would keep the connection open for the entire queue.

I was wondering if there are any advantages over others. Is there a performance advantage regarding API or SMTP?


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1 answer

Definitely use the HTTP API. SMTP includes a lot of back and forth. This is because connections are usually bundled to carry multiple messages over SMTP between the same two points.

Another benefit of using the HTTP API is that you can use HTTPS between your program and the Amazon ASES.



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