How to add class fields dynamically at runtime in Java

Possible duplicate:
How to dynamically add properties to a class

I would like to know if they can somehow add fields to the entity class in Java, dynamically or their alternative way to do it? We are developing a structure and our existing products have this as a requirement.


class Entity1 {
    String name;
    String age;

    // Getters/setters;


Suppose I want to add another field to my class Entity1

(eg :) designation

, is this their way to add it dynamically / at runtime, so if my client asks me to add any other properties, can I do it with less code change?

Waiting for an answer. Any suggestions are greatly appreciated.


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1 answer

You can use javaassist for this - in hibernation use this for many cool functions.

This should get you started.

You can even use groovy to accomplish this, so it depends on your preference and any specifics you might have missed in the question.



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