Android TranslateAnimation for specific pixel position

What I want to do is animate multiple views in a specific position, in PIXELS! I use TranslateAnimation for this. I want to animate in the top left corner of the display and I believe x: 0 and y: 0 in a variable position.

        private void drawGameField() {

            TextView [] tvs = new TextView[10];

            for(int i = 0; i < tvs.length; i++) {

                tvs[i] = new TextView(this);
                tvs[i].setX(i * 50);
                tvs[i].setY(i * 50);
                tvs[i].setText(i + "");

                gamelayout.addView(tvs[i]); // relativelayout that is created in the onCreate method
                animateObject(1000, tvs[i], 0, (int) tvs[i].getX(), 0, (int) tvs[i].getY());                

        private void animateObject(int time, TextView tv, int fromDeltaX, int toDeltaX, int fromDeltaY, int toDeltaY) {

            Log.i("Animation", "Animating to: x: " + toDeltaX + ", y: " + toDeltaY);
            TranslateAnimation t = new TranslateAnimation(fromDeltaX, toDeltaX, 
                                                            fromDeltaY, toDeltaY);



My problem is that die Animation just doesn't do what it is supposed to do (the pixels that the animation animation doesn't match my input), why? What am I doing wrong?

My Logcat output, as you can see in the animateObject method, is absolutely correct, the pixels match my desires.

LogCat is output as follows:

Animation  Animating to: x: 0, y: 0 
Animation  Animating to: x: 50, y: 50 
Animation  Animating to: x: 100, y: 100 
Animation  Animating to: x: 150, y: 150 
Animation  Animating to: x: 200, y: 200 ...



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1 answer

I solved this problem using ViewPropertyAnimator .

The translationX (...) and translationY (...) methods exactly match my wishes.



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