Windows Phone - minimum target audience version since January 2013

We are currently looking at porting an iOS app to a Windows phone. However, if we do that, we're a little confused about which version should be the minimum.

My guess is that there is currently a large "big" Windows Phone 7 audience, but since it has never been shot in a big way, would it be better to start with 8 and focus on speeding up from its library, etc.? (Presumably future versions of Windows Phone are more likely to be evolution 8 rather than a jump from 7 to 8?)

Any tips, statistics on user bases, etc. will be much appreciated.


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1 answer

It depends on the features you need in your application. If you don't need any of the extra features that come with Windows Phone 8, consider targeting version 7.1. You can even discover if you are running Windows Phone 8 from your WP7 app and using the features available for the WP8 operating system. Consider checking mangopollo .

Windows Phone 7 is still on sale and all users on this will appreciate it if you provide your app for them. Remember this.



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