C # Object Inheritance

I am trying to create a base class in C # that I can extend to subclasses.

For example:

public class ObjectsInTheSky 
    public string Size, Shape;
    public float Mass;
    public int DistanceFromEarth;
    public bool hasAtmosphere, hasLife;
    public enum ObjectTypes {Planets,Stars,Moons}

    public ObjectsInTheSky( int id ) 
        this.Load( id );
    public void Load( int id) 
        DataTable table = Get.DataTable.From.DataBase(id);

        System.Reflection.PropertyInfo[] propInfo = this.GetType().GetProperties();
        Type tp = this.GetType();
        foreach (System.Reflection.PropertyInfo info in propInfo)
            PropertyInfo p = tp.GetProperty(info.Name);
                if (info.PropertyType.Name == "String")
                    p.SetValue(this, table.Rows[0][info.Name].ToString(), null);
                else if (info.PropertyType.Name == "DateTime")
                    p.SetValue(this, (DateTime)table.Rows[0][info.Name], null);
                    p.SetValue(this, Convert.ToInt32(table.Rows[0][info.Name]), null);
            catch (Exception e) 

public class Planets : ObjectsInTheSky 
    public Moons[] moons;

public class Moons : ObjectsInTheSky 


public class Stars : ObjectsInTheSky 
    public StarTypes type;
    public enum StarTypes {Binary,Pulsar,RedGiant}


My problem is when I try to use an object:

Stars star = new Stars(142);


star.type does not exist and the star property, it exists as star.star.type, but is completely unavailable, or I cannot figure out how to access it.

I don't know if I am extending the ObjectsInTheSky property correctly or not. Any help or pointers would be greatly appreciated.


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2 answers

It looks like you are trying to use a constructor that is not defined in your subclass Stars

or base class.

Stars star = new Stars(142);


If you are trying to use a method .Load(int)

, you will need to do this:

Stars star = new Stars();


Or, if you are trying to use a basic constructor, you need to define it in a subclass:

public class Stars : ObjectsInTheSky 
    public Stars(int id) : base(id) // base class constructor passing in the id value

    public Stars()  // in order to not break the code above

    public StarTypes type;
    public enum StarTypes {Binary,Pulsar,RedGiant}




Constructors in C # are not inherited. You need to add additional constructor overloads to each of the base classes:

public class Stars : ObjectsInTheSky 
    public Stars(int id) : base(id) { }

    public StarTypes type;
    public enum StarTypes {Binary,Pulsar,RedGiant}


This will create a constructor that will simply call the base class constructor for you.



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