Linux: search for a specific word in all files

I am using Ubuntu 12. I am trying to find the word "SymbolSetThree" in my Ubuntu machine home directory.

For this I used

 grep "SymbolSetThree" /home


It just shows up as grep: / home: there is a directory

Please let me know how to search for a specific word in all files in Linux.

This is what I have tried

sai@sai-Aspire-4720Z:/$  grep "SymbolSetThree" /home
grep: /home: Is a directory



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3 answers

You are close, you just need a switch -r

to get your team to work properly.

 grep -r "SymbolSetThree" /home


will do the trick.



Use `find:

find /home -type f | xargs grep SymbolSetThree


The same result can be achieved using the argument -exec

for find

(instead of xargs




For tasks like this I really like ack-grep, is programmer oriented (source files only, but with -a it searches all file types.

ack-grep -a "SymbolSetThree"




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