Replaying events on Service Bus without event store

I am trying to create a new service and try to follow CQRS. I am using ORM (NHibernate) for read and write models. In addition to this, writing models are not events. My goal was to get familiar with the technologies first and then switch to NoSQL from the read side and event source on the write side.

I was hoping that with Service Bus I could generate new read models by simply replaying old events; however I am now stuck. I have several questions:

  • Does what I am trying to do make sense? If so, can I do this with Windows Server Service Bus? I haven't been able to find a way to create a new subscription and start at the cursor over the beginning for the topic. Are events cleared when all existing subscribers are consuming them?

  • If it makes sense, but "Service Bus for Windows Server" is not up to the task, do you recommend looking for an alternate Service Bus or using a write-side event source?


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1 answer

You don't necessarily need Service Bus or an event source to play events. You can simply serialize your events to disk (or any other storage medium) and reload them as needed.

Take a look at a simple example of Beingtheworst implementation . Samples can be found on GitHub . Especially E002 and E003 are used serialized events without explicit performance tires or concept event source.



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