Boolean function to find if HSL based color is close to another color

I wanted to write a function that could check if the background color is close.

For this I am using the HSL color scheme, let me explain it a bit; HSL colors are defined as the saturation and lightness of the hue. In short, Hue is telling you what color of the rainbow is used, and it ranges from 0 to 360. And its on the hue I would like to test.

So saturation, how strong a color is, like pure or mixed with gray, or Lightness that speaks for itself, is not comparable. I just want to check Hugh. I first wrote a Near function like this:

Private boolean Near(int background, int mycolor, int difference)
  if(math.abs( background - mycolor)<difference){return true;}else{return false}


Later I realized it was wrong. Since the HSL is similar to the image below, you see the colors there as a circle, so start at red 0 and red again at 360. So the hue value 358 and 4 are close together, the above function does not reflect that.

(Saturation goes to the center 0..100 glows 0..100 is like moving up or down and hue from 0 to 360 degrees around.)

enter image description here

I could rewrite the function with a large if then construct, so that, for example, if the background where red is 5 and the allowed difference is 20, then it mycolor

will be in the range if it is <5 + 20 or> (360- (5- 20)) .. therefore creating a special design if the hue difference will cross the 0 or 360 limits.

It's good that it works, but then I wondered if it was possible to replace such an "if then" with a modular computation in one line? 360 will be red again close to zero,

Well, I think so, such a string could also contain some AND or OR and subtraction or ABS functions. Is it possible to write this in one comparison line?


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1 answer

What you need to do is make sure that the values ​​you are comparing are as close as possible. For example, if background = 358

and mycolor = 4

, then they could be brought closer by subtracting 360

from background

, which does not change the effective value. They need to be brought closer as long as the difference is> 180


if (mycolor - background > 180) mycolor -= 360;
if (background - mycolor > 180) background -= 360;


With these conversions, your original logic should be correct ( if

not required):

return Math.Abs(background - mycolor) < difference;


Edit . I found a simpler expression that seems to be correct.

return Math.Abs(background - mycolor) % (361 - difference) < difference;




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