GWT Javascript Injection and JSNI

How can I use the Javascript library (downloaded from CDN) inside the JSNI code?

For example, I would like to call the javascript Stripe method from this JSNI method:

    private native void contactStripe(String creditCard, String cvc, String expiryMonth, String expiryYear) /*-{
            number: creditCard,
            cvc: cvc,
            exp_month: expiryMonth,
            exp_year: expiryYear
        }, callBack);


... but the javacript Stripe method is undefined.

(more about Stripe.createToken method )

The Stripe javascript file is injected using the CDN url:

    new Callback<Void, Exception>() {
    public void onFailure(Exception reason) {
    public void onSuccess(Void result) {
        contactStripe("0000111122223333", "456", "04", "2014");



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2 answers

If you want a JS script to be injected in such a way that the global variables it defines are accessible through $wnd

, you must .setWindow






Try changing your code to:

private native void contactStripe(String creditCard, String cvc, String expiryMonth, String expiryYear) /*-{

    console.log($wnd.Stripe);             // Should log 'Object'
    console.log($wnd.Stripe.createToken); // should log function
    var obj = {
        number: creditCard,
        cvc: cvc,
        exp_month: expiryMonth,
        exp_year: expiryYear
    consloe.log(obj);                     // Should be 'Object'
    $wnd.Stripe.createToken(obj, callBack);


If you are using chrome debug tools you can check all these objects.

Update You do not provide a callback. It's your problem?



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