How do void * pointers believe in C?

Basically I need to know which void * registers are specified when they return from the C function. I have this code:

void* kmalloc(unsigned int size)
    asm("mov %[size], %%esi"
    : /* no outputs */
    : [size] "m" (size)
    : "esi");
    asm("movl $9, %eax");
    asm("int $0x80");



which should put the address in EAX. I thought return values ​​in C are stored in EAX, but apparently not (oh, and I'm using GCC BTW). I need how to return EAX, register int won't work either due to compiler settings. Is there a register that is used to return pointers? Or is it like pushing onto the stack or something?


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3 answers

This is not a valid way to write inline asm. Even if you put the return value in the right case, it can be lost / knocked out by the time the function actually returns, because the compiler can add arbitrary epilogue code. You must use escaping constraints and operator return

to return inline asm results:

void* kmalloc(unsigned int size)
    void *p;
    asm("int $0x80" : "=a"(p) : "S"(size), "a"(9));
    return p;




Test code:

void * myfunc(void) { return (void *) 0x20341022; }


Will compile (with gcc --save-temps -O2 -c test.c


    movl    $540282914, %eax


The answer is obvious.



You have to declare how your inline assembly code returns a result with an output constraint, for example:

void* kmalloc(unsigned int size)
   void *result;
   asm("mov %[size], %%esi\n"
       "movl $9, %%eax\n"
       "int $0x80"
   : "=a" (result)
   : [size] "m" (size)
   : "esi");

   return result;



tells the compiler to move the content EAX

into the result variable.

Note that I have also grouped all the asm statements in one block, so I only need to specify the I / O for that block, not for each one.

Compiling with gcc -O3 x.cpp -S

will show you the resulting compiled code:

    pushq   %rbp
    movq    %rsp, %rbp
    movl    %edi, -4(%rbp)
    ## InlineAsm Start
    mov -4(%rbp), %esi
    movl $9, %eax
    int $0x80
    ## InlineAsm End
    popq    %rbp


Note that the optimizer indicates that the variable result

is equal EAX

and therefore does not need to be allocated on the stack.



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