Renaming PDF passed to Java Servlet

Using the right combination of XSLT, XSL-FO and Apache FOP, I can send the PDF to the browser window.
In fact, I am sending the content of the file like this:

           response.setContentType ("application / pdf");
            response.setContentLength (out.size ());
            response.getOutputStream (). write (out.toByteArray ());
            response.getOutputStream (). flush ();

As expected, the browser displays the PDF content in a tab named "pdf" and if I save the file locally, the name will also default to pdf.pdf
How do I force the filename?

I've tried the following, among others:

           response.setHeader ("Content-Disposition", "inline; filename =" + filename + ".pdf"); 

For clarity, I want to display the content in the browser (as opposed to direct download)


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1 answer

I found a solution here

Basically it is a matter of changing the url pattern in web.xml
The browser will use what the page name looks like I used to have



which I replaced with



Calling the servlet with http://wherever/pdf/filename.pdf?param1=va1...

changes the filename to "filename.pdf"



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