How do I create inline documents with FactoryGirl?

I am using FactoryGirl and RSpec to test my code. Mongoid in my ORM. The problem I'm running into is that in order to create an inline document, you must also create a parent document. Here's an example:

# app/models/recipe.rb
class Recipe
  include Mongoid::Document

  field :title

  embeds_many :ingredients

# app/models/ingredient.rb
class Ingredient
  include Mongoid::Document

  field :name

  embedded_in :recipe


Then I create factories for both of them:

# spec/factories/recipes.rb
FactoryGirl.define do
  factory :recipe do |f|
    f.title "Grape Salad"
    f.association :ingredient

# spec/factories/ingredients.rb
FactoryGirl.define do
  factory :ingredient do |f| "Grapes"


Now the problem is that I can never call FactoryGirl.create (: component). The reason is because it Ingredient

is Ingredient

inline and my factory never declares a link to the Recipe. If I declare an association with a recipe, I get an infinite loop, because the Recipe is associated with the Ingredient, and the Ingredient is associated with the Recipe. This is pretty annoying because I can't unit test the Ingredient class correctly. How can I solve this problem?


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1 answer

If your goal is simply to test the built-in Ingredient class, then it might be better to "create" in the database at all and just instantiate the ala object ...  


This will avoid actually saving the object to MongoDB. Otherwise, from a Mongoid / MongoDB perspective, an embedded document cannot exist in a database without a parent, so if you have to transfer an object to the database, you will have to do it through the parent.



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