Mixing f2py with distutils

I have "trees" of a python package that contains a myscript.py file that uses a fortran routine.

I usually compile a fortran module with

f2py -c -m calctree calctree.f90


and then I can do

from trees import myscript


which uses calctree.so

If I package everything with distutils by running

python ./setup.py sdist


where is the content of setup.py

#! /usr/bin/env python
from distutils.core import setup



and include "include trees / calctree.f90" in the MANIFEST.in file, I can include the .f90 file, but I don't know how to make it compile with f2py on the user's machine and have it. so the file is located in the correct location. Can anyone please help?



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1 answer

You want to use the numpy.distutils.core module, which has its own customization function. Your setup.py file should look something like this (assuming the fortran files are in a directory with tree names),

import numpy.distutils.core
import setuptools

# setup fortran 90 extension
ext1 = numpy.distutils.core.Extension(
    name = 'calctree',
    sources = ['trees/calc_tree.f90'],

# call setup

    name = 'trees',
    version = '0.1',        
    packages = setuptools.find_packages(), 
    package_data = {'': ['*.f90']}, 
    include_package_data = True,   
    ext_modules = [ext1],



This should start at a minimum.



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