Firebird SQL Script command line limitation

Does anyone know if there is a command line size limit in Firebird?

When you run a small "insert" script it works fine, but when the script has a lot of strings, it returns the following code: "Unexpected end of command - line X, column Y"


The relationship, row and column number changes depending on the actual size of the script.

I am using Firebird 2.5

Here is the executable script:

set term ^ ;
insert into TABLE (COLUMNA) values (13);
insert into TABLE (COLUMNA) values (14);
set term ; ^



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1 answer

Firebird 2.5 and earlier the 64K limit for request text, for Firebird 3.0 this limit has been increased to 10 MB when using the new API. EXECUTE BLOCK

is one request, so it should not exceed 64 kilobytes.



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