Should I cook eggs and zips in addition to the tarball for PyPI?

I am preparing my first distribution of packages for PyPI using setuptools etc. I got the original distribution (.tar.gz) and now I'm wondering if I should provide any other formats like .zip and .egg.

While randomly going through PyPI, I noticed some projects that provided eggs for different Python versions along with a source tarball. And I noticed one or two that provided the original distribution in .zip form.

What's the best practice for uploading formats to PyPI? And do the different installers (easy_install, pip) have a preference that they use?


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1 answer

If you are not building C extensions, just send the source tarball in tar.gz format. It can be installed on all platforms. The binary egg (installed by easy_install, not pip) is only necessary if you create C extensions and your software runs on Windows, as people rarely have a C compiler on their machine.



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