Smarty table is even odd

I am using PHP smarty templater. I need to create an even line selection. Please send me an example on how to do this.

Also I have a variable:




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3 answers

For such a situation smarty has a method called {loop}

{foreach $products as $product}
<tr class="{cycle values="odd,even"}">


The result for this would be:

<tr class="odd">
   <td>1st product</td>
<tr class="even">
   <td>2nd product</td>
<tr class="odd">
   <td>3rd product</td>


In your stylesheet, set properties for odd and even lines:

tr.even td{background: #CCCCCC;}
tr.odd td{background: #EFEFEF;}




{foreach key=i item=row from=$items}
<tr{if $i%2==1} bgcolor=#e4e4e4{/if}><td>{$i}</td></tr>




{section name=myloop start=0 loop=10 step=1}
<tr class="{if $smarty.section.myloop.index is even}tr_even{else}tr_odd{/if}"><td>{$smarty.section.myloop.index}</td></tr>




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