How to see how MongoDB has more records

I have a collection named logins in my Mongo DB. I want to see all the rows present in this collection, but after displaying 20 records, its display has more.

Please let me know how can I see the remaining entries?

{ "_id" : ObjectId("4d779d36f282963924633b01"), "env_name" : "qa", "cust_id" : "kiran", "epoch" : "1299684662765", "created_at" : "2011-03-09 10:31:02.765" }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("4d779db7f282963925633b01"), "env_name" : "qa", "cust_id" : "pavan", "epoch" : "1299684791157", "created_at" : "2011-03-09 10:33:11.157" }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("4d779dcff282963926633b01"), "env_name" : "qa", "cust_id" : "hhhiuy", "epoch" : "1299684815595", "created_at" : "2011-03-09 10:33:35.595" }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("4d779e26f282963927633b01"), "env_name" : "qa", "cust_id" : "testaccount", "epoch" : "1299684902416", "created_at" : "2011-03-09 10:35:02.416" }

has more


Thanks in advance.

How can I see the rest of the entries?


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1 answer

Just type it

in the command line. I believe it is short for "iterator" or something.



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