JPA: use String fields, but change them and store as byte array

we are using JSON String in our application to store a lot of configuration data. Now we want to store this in the database as a BLOB. The JSON string will be converted to binary representation ( BSON ) and then we want to store that.


public class ConfigEntity {


    @Column(name = "CONFIG")
    private String config;



Global EntityListener:

public class JsonBinaryConversionListener {

    public void process() {
        // Check @JSON fields and for every field
        // The field is String, the conversion gives us a byte array



The CONFIG column is set to BLOB. Only using @Lob annotation doesn't work because we want to change the value manually.

Is there a way we can implement this through JPA?


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1 answer

If you are using EclipseLink you can use a converter,


Otherwise, you can use property accessors (get / set) to transform the data,

JPA 2.1 project also offered converter support.



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