Delphi OAuth Authentication

I have created an app that works with the twitter API to create tweets. Now I want to extend my application, but in order to do what I want in my application, I have to authenticate with the twitter API.

The best example I've found is here But I can't figure out how I can authenticate.

Does anyone have experience with this or have a good robust OAuth class for delphi? I don't find the class in the example from the link reliable as this is a post from 2009. If you can prove that I am wrong, do the following :)

Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.


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2 answers

Simon Stewart wrote an open source package called TTwitter. It enables oauth authentication. Website . It's been a few months since I used it with Twitter, so I don't know if Twitter APIs have changed from that.



I did the same search a few months ago and came up empty-handed. A similar question came up recently on the ADUG mailing list and again to no avail.

I don't believe there is a public Delphi library for OAuth and / or Open Id. IMHO, this is an open source project ripe for development by someone with time and motivation.



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