How to get current slider values ​​from JQuery Slider?

I am using jquery slider, I want all sliders to current values ​​when one slider changes

Slider code:

var slider = jQuery("<div class='slider'></div>").insertAfter(select)
            min : 0,
            max : 4,
            range : "min",
            value : select[0].selectedIndex + 1,
            slide : function(event, ui) {

            change: function(event, ui) { 



I've tried this:

        change: function(event, ui) { 



but regardless of the slider values, it only warns the value 1


enter image description here




will give the current value of the slider when changed, but how can I get all the values ​​of the slider.


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1 answer

Use the following line to access the current values ​​of the slider:

var val = $('#slider').slider("option", "value");




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