Maven deploy: how to restrict deployment to only artifacts? (multi-module environment)

I have a project with two modules: client and server. In the parent pom.xml, I added information for the deployment step to deploy to a local directory:


<!-- for: mvn deploy -->
        <id> myRepo </id>
        <url> file:myDeployDir </url>



When I run mvn deploy

, not only server-0.1.jar and client-0.1.jar are copied to myDeploy

, but the sum of 33 (!) Files: * pom * sha1 * md5 * xml for pom, metadata and jar.

How can I set to copy only server-0.1.jar and client-0.1.jar?



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1 answer

Use maven deploy-file

deploy: deploy-file is used to install a single artifact along with its software. In this case, the artifact information can be taken from an optionally specified pomFile, but can be terminated / canceled using the command line.



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