Python - how to set up and use Kinect

I have an Xbox 360 + Kinect. It is very interesting for me to play on it. So I was wondering if Python could be used to use it and create my own games (and play on PC).
I have 1. Microsoft drivers and hardware. (Only)
 2. No 3d programming experience.

My Questions
 1. Is there a good, easy-to-use module for using Kinect on a PC?
 2. And any books for the same?

I am using Windows 32 & 64 bit and Python 2.7.


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1 answer

There is a project called Open Kinect that has many wrappers you can use, including Python .

To help you get started, there is a nice demo with source code that can also be viewed online here .

Once you have access to the information the Kinect is sending back to you, you can try the popular pygame to base your game around what you are trying to do.



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