JasperReports: expand columns in new excel sheet
I am having problems exporting excel in Jasper reports. There are unwanted merged cells in the excel output files of my reports, depending on the report template I use for each report. I am showing the report template in the first excel sheet, and "Head Column" and "Data" in the second excel sheet. what I am trying to do is ignore the merged cells in the second sheet. I use
<property name="net.sf.jasperreports.export.xls.break.before.row" value="true"/>
to create the second sheet.
I am not allowed to modify the template, so I want to find a way to ignore the merged cells in the second sheet, here is a screenshot of my excel file
as you can see there are four merged cells in the second column. Any ideas to ignore these unwanted merged cells?
I couldn't find a way to solve the problem
I convinced our client not to use it, or change the template on the first Excel sheet. After changing the template, everything now looks fine:
I found that expanding the width of the entire report and moving the cells to the right of the area where the merge occurs cleared up for me. The columns where the merge occurred were reduced to 0 in width and empty when I ran the report again. If you don't mind having the extra columns there as they are nearly invisible, then this solution is confirmed to work.
For this problem, I have an exact answer that removes page borders. Then you get sucess