ASP.NET Runtime Error: 'path' is not a valid IIS application. VS2012 / IIS7.5

Strange behavior of my mvc 4 application running under IIS7.5.

Every time I rebuild the application, 2 applications appear in the IIS filetree node of my project. The first is good. This is the application that I created. The second is another that shouldn't be present.

I renamed my application and I believe there is no longer a reference to the old name.

The old name was Gedi.

Today I tried to use the publishing tool from visual studio for the first time and I got this warning:

Warning 1 C:\Users\Guilherme\Documents\Visual Studio


ASP.NET runtime error: '/LM/W3SVC/1/ROOT/Gedi' is not a valid IIS application.

C:\Users\Guilherme\Documents\Visual Studio
1   1   gedaiapp


I don't understand where this Gedi still exists.


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1 answer

Check the project properties web section in Visual Studio. If you have the option to use local IIS and it still points to your previous location, this might be what makes it appear every time it is created.



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