Organize Files in SonataAdminBundle: What's Happening?

I have gathered the following information from several examples in the documentation SonataAdminBundle

. Please correct me if there are some errors, but here is what I get in case BlogBundle


Frontend and Backend files are mixed in the same bundle

As you can see, in general, each bundle contains the frontend

and classes backend


It seems very messy to mix both frontend

and backend

in the same folders (see Controllers), but honestly I can't think of it in a different way ...

I actually started to handle the backend in a separate bundle, but then I realized that it was too messy too.

So in practice, do people really follow this architecture? Is this the only / best way to handle the backend when using SonataAdminBundle?

This beautiful post here takes a different approach ... any ideas I should be doing to make sure the code doesn't end up being too messy.


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1 answer

Simple: Use folders in mixed content locations. I add frontend components directly to their respective folders and add Admin folders for backend files.

You can refer to, for example, a controller in the Admin subfolder like this BlogBundle:Admin\Concert:index

, in fact the same works for templates.

In config, you can create a file config-frontend.yml

and config-backend.yml

then include it in the source file config.yml

. I do not do this.

