Make HTML text bold

I wrote this function that takes a word as input and puts it in a tag <b>

so it is bold when rendered in HTML. But when it actually does, the word is not in bold, but only has a tag <b>


Here is the function:

function delimiter(input, value) {
    return input.replace(new RegExp('(\\b)(' + value + ')(\\b)','ig'), '$1<b>$2</b>$3');


When providing value and input, eg. "message" and "This is a test message":

Conclusion: This is a test <b>message</b>

Desired output:This is a test message

Even replacing the value with value.bold()

, returns the same.

EDIT This is the HTML along with the JS I'm working on:

                <!DOCTYPE html>
            <html xmlns="" xml:lang="en">


            function myFunction(){
                var children = document.body.childNodes;
                for(var len = children.length, child=0; child<len; child++){
                 if (children[child].nodeType === 3){ // textnode
                    var highLight = new Array('abcd', 'edge', 'rss feeds');
                    var contents = children[child].nodeValue;
                    var output = contents; 
                    for(var i =0;i<highLight.length;i++){
                        output = delimiter(output, highLight[i]); 

                                children[child].nodeValue= output; 

            function delimiter(input, value) {
                return unescape(input.replace(new RegExp('(\\b)(' + value + ')(\\b)','ig'), '$1<b>$2</b>$3'));

            <img src="" title="knorex"/>

            These words are highlighted: abcd, edge, rss feeds while these words are not: knewedge, abcdefgh, rss feedssss

            <input type ="button" value="Button" onclick = "myFunction()">


Basically I am getting the result of the delimiter function and modifying the nodeValue

child node.

Is it possible that there is something wrong with the way I return what the function returns to me?

This is what I am doing:

children[child].nodeValue = output;



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1 answer

You want the markup to be treated like HTML, not just replaced with existing content in the text node. To do this, replace the operator

children[child].nodeValue= output; 


in the following way:

var newNode = document.createElement('span');
newNode.innerHTML = output;
document.body.replaceChild(newNode, children[child]); 


