Make a request from a remote computer using PowerShell

I am looking for a way to make a web request from a remote computer. There are 10 servers on the same network and I need to make a web request from each server, for example to "". So I'm going to use PowerShell and started writing a script. But I don't know how to make a request on behalf of server1, server2 .. server10

$hosts = @("server1Ip", "server2Ip", ..,"server10Ip");
$url = ""
$hLen = $hosts.Length;

for ($i=0; $i -lt $hLen; $i++)
        Write-Host "Pinging web address for server: $url ..."
        $request = [System.Net.WebRequest]::Create($url)
        $response = $request.GetResponse()
        Write-Host "Web Request Succeeded."   
    } catch 
        Write-Host ("Web Request FAILED!!! The error was '{0}'." -f $_)
    } finally 
        if ($response) 
            Remove-Variable response



source to share

1 answer

use invoke-command and wrap your code in sciptblock like:

icm -computername $hosts -scriptBlock{
        Write-Host "Pinging web address for server: $url ..."
        $request = [System.Net.WebRequest]::Create("")
        $response = $request.GetResponse()
        Write-Host "Web Request Succeeded."   
    } catch 
        Write-Host ("Web Request FAILED!!! The error was '{0}'." -f $_)
    } finally 
        if ($response) 
            Remove-Variable response


