Valid (Existing) Email Address Verification

I have this registration page that works great, but for the email field I need to make sure the email is correct and valid 1: Fix 2: Valid

for correct email sending i am using java script validation to support

works well ok

but my question is, is there any webservice or java API to make sure the existing and registered mail id Like my mail id: is the actual existing id

but I can try hussain5555 @, hussain1111 @, hussain8888 @,

they will pass the java script validation but don't really exist

Is there any way we can make sure the mail id exists?


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2 answers

The only way to check if an email address really exists is to send an email to it and give it a response.

For example:

  • a verification code to be completed on your website.
  • link to your site to visit

It is still unclear if the email exists after that, as it is easy to simply create a temporary email to submit the verification and delete afterwards.

Instead of verifying email addresses, you can use the Google API to allow your users to sign in using their account. It is also possible to use OpenID in a similar way.



This is probably not possible using existing services and / or APIs as it can be quite a security risk. Use an email address with a verification link if you want to verify that the address exists. Or OpenID as stated by BalusC.



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