Twitter Bootstrap for ASP.Net MVC 4 - jQuery 1.9 and jQuery.Validate.js

I have a problem with Twitter Bootstrap for ASP.Net MVC

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Using Visual Studio 2012, in a blank MVC 4 template, I simply run the NuGet Package Installer for "Install-Package twitter.bootstrap.mvc4.sample" which includes "Install-Package twitter.bootstrap.mvc4" and jQuery 1.9 as a dependency.

Everything builds fine at compile time, but as soon as I debug the project I get a critical javascript error: Error

JavaScript critical error at line 1, column 11 in http://localhost:10277/Scripts/
SCRIPT1004: Expected ';'


If I continue, then I keep getting javascript errors from the web browser almost any time I try to interact with the web page:

jQuery.Validate.js Error

Unhandled exception at line 1152, column 5 in http://localhost:10277/Scripts/jquery.validate.js
0x800a138f - JavaScript runtime error: Unable to get property 'call' of undefined or null reference


I cannot replace jQuery 1.9 with an earlier version, as the nugget will not let me remove jQuery or add an earlier version on top.

I've always been a third party developer, but new to this interface. Trying to do it right, but it seems like it's harder than it should be.

Any ideas? What should be my starting point?


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1 answer

Try using jQuery migrate plugin



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