Removing vocals from audio file in Matlab

I am splitting the left and right channels of audio files using Matlab. The code compiles, but it doesn't completely remove the vocals from the audio file. Why is this?

Here is the code:

 [y,fs]=wavread('On the floor.wav');





source to share

1 answer

Vocal suppression is a complex problem that has been the subject of a lot of academic and commercial research. In academia, this issue is called source sharing, and has been a popular doctorate in recent years; hence there is a large body of literature.

The approach that appears to be implemented is to subtract the program material in the center of the stereo image. If you've done it right (see comment above), this may overpower some of the vocals on some tracks, but a lot of other material will also be added that will blend in with the center you'd like to keep.



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