SQL Command not working as expected Oracle

Does my SQL query below say it doesn't end properly on the first Inner Join? If I drop the second table and where clause then the query is good though?

SELECT homes.home_id, homes.title, homes.description, homes.living_room_count, homes.bedroom_count, homes.bathroom_count, homes.price, homes.sqft,
listagg(features.feature_name, '\n') WITHIN GROUP(ORDER BY features.feature_name) features, home_type.type_name
FROM homes, bookings
WHERE bookings.booking_end < date '2013-01-23' OR bookings.booking_start > date '2013-01-22' AND bookings.home_id <> homes.home_id
INNER JOIN home_feature ON homes.home_id = home_feature.home_id 
INNER JOIN home_type ON home_type.type_code = homes.type_code 
INNER JOIN features ON home_feature.feature_id = features.feature_id 
GROUP BY homes.home_id, homes.title, homes.description, homes.living_room_count, homes.bedroom_count, homes.bathroom_count, homes.price, homes.sqft, home_type.type_name


Can anyone see the obvious errors in my request?


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1 answer

The sentence WHERE

is in the wrong place and you're mixing connection types:

SELECT homes.home_id, 
    homes.title, homes.description, 
    listagg(features.feature_name, '\n') WITHIN GROUP(ORDER BY features.feature_name) features, 
FROM homes
INNER JOIN bookings
    ON bookings.home_id = homes.home_id
INNER JOIN home_feature 
    ON homes.home_id = home_feature.home_id 
INNER JOIN home_type 
    ON home_type.type_code = homes.type_code 
INNER JOIN features 
    ON home_feature.feature_id = features.feature_id 
WHERE bookings.booking_end < date '2013-01-23' 
    OR booking_start > date '2013-01-22' 
GROUP BY homes.home_id, homes.title, homes.description, 
       homes.living_room_count, homes.bedroom_count, 
       homes.bathroom_count, homes.price, homes.sqft, home_type.type_name


The offer WHERE

appears after JOIN

and before GROUP BY

. Also, you must use one type of join syntax. You have used both explicit and implicit syntax. I have moved the join homes

and booking


instead of using comma between tables.



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