Displaying PhoneGap plugins 2.3.0

I have qq, when I try to add a plugin to Cordova, I have one small annoying problem all along and I am not sure how to fix it.

so: PDFViewer plugin https://github.com/phonegap/phonegap-plugins/tree/master/iOS/PDFViewer

I follow all instructions and also update my config.xml file,

EX: <plugin name="PDFViewerCommand" value="PDFViewerCommand" />

but problems arise when I try to split the plugin by folder in the Plugins folder.

I mean, if I extract all "name.h, name.m" to the root folder of the plugin, it works fine.

But since I can have more than 1 plugin, it will be a big mess. SO I want to split plugins into folders:


  • Plugins -> PdfViewEr
  • Plugins → ChildBrowser
  • Plugins -> New Plugin

I know it must be display related or somewhere I can declare the folder name.


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