Formal, ActiveAdmin adding javascript

How to add javascript action with formastic and activeadmin:

I look like this:

f.input :role, :as => :select, :collection =>{|x,i|  [x,User.roles[i]]} , :include_blank => nil

f.input :organization, :input_html => { :disabled => false }


I would like to add a javascript where the organization will change after changing the role. How to do it??


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2 answers

I had to create a partial form.

At the end of the partial input:

<script type="text/javascript">     
        $('#your_model_role').change(function() {
            what you want to happen goes here


Hope it helps.



Following the idea of ​​not having intrusive js, you can also put this in a js file (example :) utils.js


    $('#your_model_role').change(function() {
        what you want to happen goes here


And then in /config/initializers/active_admin.rb

put the lineconfig.register_javascript 'utils.js'



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