Getting error with heroku rails, Could not find psql database client. Check your $ PATH and try again.

Attempting to perform a database operation that requires me to do rails db

I do heroku run rails db

but i get


rails db attached to terminal... up, run.7334 Couldn't find database client: psql. Check your $PATH and try again.

I did:

gem update heroku


but it did not help. The same errors still occur.


$ heroku run bundle exec rails db --account work --app dmplanning
Running `bundle exec rails db` attached to terminal... up, run.1572
Couldn't find database client: psql. Check your $PATH and try again.



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1 answer

These works:

heroku pg:psql --app # From the app root directory
heroku pg:psql --app your_app_name # specifying the app
heroku pg:psql --app your_app_name --account work 
                   # if you have multiple accounts, specify which one.




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