Filter tuple by nested inner bag value

I am very beginner on PigLatin and I need help (basic I think).

My DESCRIBE details:

xmlToTuple: {(node_attr_id: int,tag: {(tag_attr_k: chararray,tag_attr_v: chararray)})}


and DUMP:



I want to retrieve a record that has a specific value for the tag_attr_k field. For example, give me an entry that has tag_attr_k = amesity? It should be:



Can anyone explain this to me? I lost a little ...


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3 answers

I found!

    XmlTag2 = FOREACH XmlTag {
        tag_with_amenity = FILTER tag BY (tag_attr_k == 'amenity');
        GENERATE *, COUNT(tag_with_amenity) AS count;
    XmlTag3 = FOREACH (FILTER XmlTag2 BY count > 0) GENERATE node_attr_id, node_attr_lon, node_attr_lat, tag;




You should use a map instead of a bundle of tuples. The keys will be your tag_attr_k

s, and your values ​​will be tag_attr_v

s. So one line of your data would be for example

(1751057677,['amenity'#'fast_food', 'name',#'Brochetterie'])


Then you can check if the key exists by trying to access it and check if it matters NULL


FILTER xml BY tag_attr#'amenity' IS NOT NULL;



To do this, you must use map

, not a list of tuples. Maps are built for this very purpose.

To filter, you run:

B = FILTER A BY mymap#'amenity' IS NOT NULL;




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