Plot and report X intercept with linear regression - R

I am using lm

r for linear regression. I would like to build and report interception x. I know that I could use algebra and solve for x by setting y = 0, but is there a way to tell me this? Also, how can I "tell" r to construct intercept x? Would it just include expanding the x-axis range to include it? Thank.

# example r code
fit <- lm(y~x)



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1 answer

If you want to plot x-intercept, extend the plot as you said. You may need to expand it in both x and y dimensions (use xlim=c(0,100)

and ylim=c(0,100)

or whatever), and you should notice that R does not draw lines for the axes. I assumed you can add them manually with hline

and vline

if you like.

To get the numerical value of the x-intercept, you will need to do algebra.

> coef(fit)
(Intercept)           x 
  0.8671534   0.4095524 


Gives y-intercept and slope and you can easily find x-intercept from there.



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