MR code from Hive

I am learning Hadoop and have learned about Hive in the recent past. It is like a SQL query that can be used instead of Java code. My teacher said that Hive generates Java java code behind the scene, which in turn is exported as a jar file and then it runs on top of the HDFS file system. But he wasn't sure if we could get the MR code generated by Hive. I have read The Ultimate Guide and nothing has been discussed about it. I wanted to know if this is so? Since I think that if we can get the MR code, then this code can be improved to achieve many other purposes (the means can be customized for other tasks).

I know that I am just learning and have to wait before asking or jumping to conclusions, but was curious. I think that even if the correct concept is correct, then the MR code should be caught. I am a .Net C # developer and am not familiar with Java, not an expert in relational databases, only wanted to say if it matters.


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