User Agreements in Entity Framework 6

I want to create a convention where EF can serialize IEnumerable<String>

to a format (comma separated values ​​for example) and store them in a column, and when retrieved, create them again IEnumerable<String>


The msdn link mentions the following example

class DateTimeColumnTypeConvention : IConfigurationConvention<PropertyInfo, DateTimePropertyConfiguration>
    public void Apply(
        PropertyInfo propertyInfo, Func<DateTimePropertyConfiguration> configuration)
        // If ColumnType hasn't been configured...
        if (configuration().ColumnType == null)
            configuration().ColumnType = "datetime2";


But I need something like

class DateTimeColumnTypeConvention : IConfigurationConvention<PropertyInfo, IEnumerable<string>>
       public void Apply(PropertyInfo propertyInfo, Func<IEnumerable<string>> configuration)
           // Get all the values of the property here, create a comma separated string ,ask EF to store this string by setting the ColumnType to varchar and then get it back.


I cannot find any obvious way to do this. Any ideas?


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