Use AntiForgery token in Winform and WebAPI

What is the best way to deal with Antiforgery in attributed methods ValidateAntiForgeryTokenAttribute

when called from a client without a browser, say WinForm


Based on what I know, below is how anti-spoofing works:

  • A hidden input field is added to the page, for example.

  • A cookie with the same name is also sent to the client

  • On the next request, both the cookie and the hidden input field are sent to the server. The server calls AntiForgery.Validate(token, cookie)

    to confirm that the request is legitimate.

Everything works fine in the web app. It doesn't seem to work in WinForm. That's what I'm doing:

  • By using HttpClient

    , I access the page containing the token.
  • I am parsing the page and grabbing a hidden input field. I also take cookie.
  • I am passing the cookie as is. Also, I am adding a new title __RequestVerificationToken

    with a value from a hidden field.
  • I go into the server code.
  • Failed Error AntiForgery.Validate(xx,yy)

    : The provided anti-forgery token is for user X, but the current user is Y.

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1 answer

I understood that. Forms authentication requires pre-validation and passing cookies in subsequent WebAPI calls. So here's the revised thread:

1) Load the login form with HttpWebRequest (GET)

2) Make a POST on the login form using your credentials. Provide cookieontainer on HttpWebRequest

3) Cookieontainer now contains Auth and __ RequestVerificationToken cookies

4) Take __RequestVerificationToken from any subsequent GET or even from the login result

5) For WebAPI post call pass cookiecontainer as is. Also include a header __RequestVerificationToken with the value from the previous step.



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