How to install and use log4perl

I am new to use log4p

and want to use the same to enter my code. I am getting errors like:

Can't find Log / at @INC

This I understand because of the missing library. Now, where and how can I install this library in my UNIX environment?

I tried to install:

yum install perl-Log-Log4perl-1.30-1.el6.noarch.rpm


It also failed. Am I not on the right track? Can someone give me a quick start link that also tells how to install this package and from where?


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2 answers

The typical way to install packages for perl is using cpan

or variations of it (cpanm, cpanp, etc.). If the package is easier and faster to distribute across your distribution, but if it isn't, you can still do it via cpan.

cpan Log::Log4perl


You can find the packages you need and their exact package names at

Check Wikipedia for information on CPAN



1) Go to
2) Download tar.gz archive
3) tar zxfv archive
4) go to the archive folder
5) run "perl Makefile.PL"
6) run "make"
7) run "make test"
8) run "make install"


what all.



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