What is jargon for REST messages (i.e. request body and response body)

I know this is probably a dumb question, but I know that the REST URL for one of the REST views is called "resources".

My question is how the response / request bodies should be called. Should they be called states?

Media types cannot be correct because it is a format (like XML or JSON). Maybe a "state"?

I am currently using the term "message".


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2 answers

The correct term is "views". These are snapshots at the time of the real resource referenced by the URI.

REST stands for Representative State Transfer, so the name is correct. REST is about passing views around the system in such a way that work can be done on a real resource on the server side. The encoding of the presentation is determined by the media type used to negotiate the content.



I think "resource" is the correct term for the request / response body. URIs are identifiers for these resources.

Take a look at this blog post: http://blog.dhananjaynene.com/2009/06/why-rest/ . This is one of the best REST explanations I've seen. In it, the author explicitly states that these objects are commonly referred to as resources.



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