Sending Email with Sendgrid on RoR vs Mailchimp

I use Mailchimp to send my weekly newsletter to about 5000 people. I also have an application written in Ruby on Rails that sends emails via Sendgrid.

Lately, my emails sent through MailChimp are getting in the mail like spam from gmail. I want to switch to using Sendgrid.

I want to know if this is a good solution. None of the individual emails (for example, "congratulations on registration" or "you have a message") that we send via Sendgrid are marked as spam. But the new email I want to send will propagate via email, so I'm not sure if Sendgrid's solution will solve my problems.


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1 answer

SendGrid offers a marketing / mailing tool that is very comparable to what Mailchimp offers. There are a number of super-outstanding startups out there that use it to successfully send their marketing emails (only a few to a million per month).

More about the WYSIWG editor:

and the API is here

All that said, switching to SendGrid is a great start, but it's not a guaranteed solution unless you're putting in the effort to monitor and improve your availability. There are tons of resources here:

So the short answer is "yes, if you do your due diligence around the best shipping methods"



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