Mylyn connector for Emacs org mode files?

Is there something like a mylyn connector for org mode files?

I am a fan of Mylyn and org mode, as are some other people. ( How do you organize your work? ). Both are valuable task management tools: Mylyn on Eclipse and Org mode on Emacs. Org mode uses plain text files as issue store, while Mylyn can be linked to flavors of issue repos such as Git issue list, Jira (which I haven't used), etc. One feature I would like to see from mylyn is that it should also be able to use org files as a task repository.

Org files are favorable compared to most task repos for me because I sync all my org files in the Git repository and can access them from almost every machine with Git and emacs installed, and also because org mode has this lovely look an agenda that reminds you what to do during the day.

In the meantime, I would also like to keep the advantage of using mylyn in a java project just because it manages the programming context. If we have an org mode connector for mylyn to sync mylyn tasks with org files, that would be ideal.

If there is no such mylyn connector for org files, can anyone suggest a free task repository that works well with Mylyn? Right now I'm using Mylyn with a github issue list. This is good, but it lacks some basic functionality like server side time tracking.


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1 answer

I've talked to the folks at Tasktop (who is the developer of mylyn) but unfortunately there is no such connector at the moment.



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