Libiconv missing on OSX 10.8 installing nokogiri

I know this has been asked before, but I am struggling to get this to work and many gems depend on nokogiri unfortunately.

I am running 10.8.2 with rvm, ruby ​​1.9.3

Executing the following command derived from various gists / stack overflow questions on the topic: gem install nokogiri - --with-iconv-dir = / usr / local / Cellar / libiconv / 1.13.1

gives "libiconv is missing".

Even if browsing inside that directory shows libiconv directories.

How can I get this to work?


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1 answer

In , that explain what worked in the past for users who work in the home 0.9 browser.

If these instructions don't work for you, please email nokogiri-talk and we'll find out and update the installation documentation.

