Populating a table with random data

I have two tables:

Areas table

|    AreaKey      |    AreaID    |
| <identity/int>  |  <varchar>   |


Table "Indications"

|    ReadingKey   |      AreaKey      |   Reading   |    ReadingDateTime   |
| <identity/int>  |<FK:AreaKey-Areas> |   <float>   |      <datetime>      |


  • The "AreaKey" in the Readings table is a foreign key in the AreaKey table from Areas.

There is already some data in the scopes table with row id from 1 to 50.

I want to populate the "Readings" table with some sample data - (random floating point values ​​for the "Read" column between 1.0 and 100.0 and a random datetime value for ReadingDateTime between a given DateTime range, for example between the current time and datetime 3 months ago) ... These values ​​should be inserted into the reading table by accident by selecting AreaKeys that already exist in the Areas table.

In other words, I want to insert random read values ​​into randomly selected areas with random dates.

Can anyone give me an idea on how to do this?


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3 answers

Assuming the Areas table has 50 records, with row IDs 1-50, I'll just look at using the function RAND


It seems to be something like this:

SELECT ROUND(((50 - 1 -1) * RAND() + 1), 0) as AreakKey,
    ROUND(((100 - 1 -1) * RAND() + 1), 1) as Reading,
    DATEADD(mm,-3,GETDATE()) +
        CAST( NewID() AS BINARY(8) ) AS INT
) as ReadingDateTime   


And here's some SQL Fiddle .

Good luck.



Have you taken a look at RedGate SQL Data Generator ? RedGate tools have been a boon for us.

Outline tool recommendations, just write a quick app that:

  • generates a list of keys for the Area table.
  • inserts some randomized records into the Area table.
  • inserts some randomized records into your Readings table, picking random items from the list of keys you created in step # 1


You can use NEWID () and fetch results in temp table. Check http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms190348.aspx

Select column into #temp from table
order by NEWID()




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