Iterating through a collection of dictionaries - python - basic search

I have a really strange thing. I am trying to iterate over a set of dictionaries to find all items with a specific value associated with a field. Take the following:

ex_set is a mysql logout that I have no control over. If I had to re-create it with python it would be something like:

dict_a [ 'field' ] = 'fruit'
dict_a [ 'value' ] = 'apple'
dict_b [ 'field' ] = 'fruit'
dict_b [ 'value' ] = 'berry'
ex_set = set()
ex_set.add (dict_a,dict_b)


What matters is how the kit looks when I print it out.

pprint (ex_set)
OUTPUTS> ({'field' : 'fruit',
        'value' : 'apple'},
        'field' : 'fruit'},
        'value' : 'berry'})

i = 0
while len ( ex_set ) > i:
    for k , v in ex_set [i].iteritems ( ):
        if v == 'fruit':
        pprint ( ex_set[i] )
    i += 1


The problem is that printing this does not print all dictionaries that have value = "fruit".

Is there a better way to search through a set of dictionaries? The set I am looking at has 3 key / value combinations in each dictionary and about 30k dictionaries. This works about 25% of the time and I can't figure out why it only returns 20% of the matches.

Thanks for the help!


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1 answer

Based on your description, you are looking for something like:

In [6]: ex_set = ({'fruit':'apple',
   ...:            'value':'fruit'},
   ...:           {'fruit':'fruit'},
   ...:           {'apple':'apple'})

In [7]: for d in ex_set:
   ...:     if 'fruit' in d.values():
   ...:         print(d)
{'fruit': 'apple', 'value': 'fruit'}
{'fruit': 'fruit'}


Also, in addition to the fact that your example is not valid python, ex_set certainly cannot be set

, as it sets's

cannot contain dictionaries

, since they are not shaken. I would like to rename it to something more appropriate:

In [8]: set([{}])
TypeError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-8-7facc835553f> in <module>()
----> 1 set([{}])

TypeError: unhashable type: 'dict'




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