LinkedIn REST API: People Search Throttle Limit Reaches 409 / 100K

I have a program that searches LinkedIn members by their first and last names for research purposes.

I have a LinkedIn developer account that should have 100k calls to the corresponding People Search resource per day, but only 400+ (see stats below), the API call throws exceptions saying "Throttle Limit for Calls to this resource has been achieved. "

How is this possible when my limit is much higher?


LinkedIn statistics from their website:

API Usage Report for Started Jan 23, 2013 Midnight UTC so far

Resource: People Search

Usage: Number of calls: 409 Allowed: 100,000

Status: OK (green check mark)

Choke members: 1 (List of choke members for people search: Idb_YiFpOs)


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2 answers

The total app limit is 100K, that's right. But there is also a user limit and a developer limit, where the developer limit is 400 calls in 24 hours, which is why you get suffocated. , check the Find People section.



It has been a while but statistics suggest that people are still looking at this and I am experimenting with the LinkedIn API and can provide more details.

Typical chokes are listed as both max (e.g. 100K) and per user number (e.g. 500). These numbers mean you can get up to 100,000 API calls per day, but even as a developer, one user token means a maximum of 500 per day. This means that you need 200 users to reach the full quota.

I ran into this and after setting up the app start and getting some users I can confirm that more general calls are allowed. [Removed discussion of what could be a random LinkedIn API backdoor.]



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