Why Java Servlet response.Redirect forces the browser to parse the requested HTML as a URL

I'm trying to send a response redirect at the end of a Java servlet post request:

session.setAttribute("token", token);
String redirectUrl = response.encodeRedirectURL(MYSITE_URL + "extras.html");


The redirectUrl code execution matches "http://localhost:8080/mysite/extras.html"

. However, the browswer tries to request the following url, which to the observer is acutally the html of the document I am requesting.



My question is why? Why is the actual html document requested and not the url? And why doesn't encodeURL encode the session into a URL?


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1 answer

You mentioned that MYSITE_URL


... This could be a problem. Its missing http at the beginning. Can you change MYSITE_URL to


and then try?



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