Attach a query with multiple ON states not working in Codeigner?

I need a request like this

SELECT * FROM (`users`) 
     LEFT JOIN `users_phone_numbers`     
              ON `users`.`id`= `users_phone_numbers`.`user_id` 
     LEFT JOIN `phone_number`
             ON (`phone_number`.`id`= `users_phone_numbers`.`phone_num_id` AND users_phone_numbers.is_active = 1)
WHERE `users`.`id` = 56


I have some code like this in codeigniter

                              ' users_phone_numbers.user_id',
                              '( users_phone_numbers.phone_num_id AND users_phone_numbers.is_active = 1)',
$this->db->where(' = '. $id); 
 $result =  $q->result_array(); 


But I got this error

But i got this error


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3 answers

If you check Codeigniter's handling of the condition function, you see the following:

// Strip apart the condition and protect the identifiers
if (preg_match('/([\w\.]+)([\W\s]+)(.+)/', $cond, $match))


Codeigniter removes the opening brackets from the request. Can you not move the extra LEFT JOIN clause to the WHERE clause to get around this?


                              ' users_phone_numbers.user_id',
                              ' users_phone_numbers.phone_num_id)',
$this->db->where(array(' => '. $id, 'users_phone_numbers.is_active' => 1)); 
 $result =  $q->result_array();




You need to remove the second condition join




$ this-> db-> join ('PHONE_NUMBER', ' = users_phone_numbers.phone_num_id AND users_phone_numbers.is_active = 1', 'left');

remove the brackets as above. it works for me when there is no parenthesis



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